“Stars In Her Eyes, A Bastard Grace”
March 2024.
*Made with dreaming big, marriage, and the bad wolf in mind.
Materials: dried hops, lavender, pressed marigolds, lamb’s ear, my aunt’s ring {gifted to her by previous lover when she was young}, fuzzy string from antique shop, my favorite textured paper, birch from my neighbors yard, cactus collected in Colorado, beads, pressings from homemade stamps that Eben and I carved together
Full poem:
the waiting woman would write letters
from September to June, from Maine to Virginia.
developing her relationship with Romantic attachments.
the virgin martyr, heroined by her wit,
can be seen putting herself beyond
placed with painters and decorators, silversmiths, and drapers,
portrait artists, and tailors,
haberdashers, hairdressers, and what have you…
she gazes ahead,
the most dear of all his dears,
apparently unaware of his presence.
Who will you feed?