Self Work Portfolio 2023

This collection is a handful of my self portrait work of 2023. It is organized by month, from January to current. Some folders of work have a small blurb about their contents. I’ve also sprinkled captions throughout the works where I felt necessary. As you browse, you may feel as though the information I’ve chosen to share seems odd or vague….this is intentional. I believe some things are best left up to interpretation by the viewer. Some works are definitively titled, while others are untitled with only descriptors. This is something I plan to speak more about once I begin blogging, but for now….you are left with only your mind….

*The works you see showcased here are not necessarily the “full sets”. I am very likely to share complete sets/additional work in the future in a more private way….this is still in the works of my mind :)

I unexpectedly dove deep into self portrait work in the very beginning of 2023 when I bought my first TLR, my 1940’s Argus Argoflex, at my favorite camera shop for maybe $30. Most of this work is either shot on that camera, my beloved Yashica C, or my Nikon FM. As always, all of this work is shot on film and all hand-developed, scanned, and *selectively* printed by me. Whatever time you spend here…...enjoy <3