Untitled: Are Not Flowers The Stars?
*Made with Synchronicity and Serendipity in mind….
Following blurb taken from my social media….(ish):
*find the full post here*
Last night I was browsing an old book I feel drawn to sometimes, called “7 Signs of Synchronicity”. After reading a little, I felt compelled to pick up my Francesca Woodman book “On Being An Angel”. I’ve browsed it multiple times but always feel called to something new each time I read it. This time I was called to “Easter Lillies” because it reminded me of a portrait I made in March.
This morning I was compelled to drink hibiscus tea which I have never done in my 24 years. But today I did and felt drawn to the tea bag because of its pink color. I looked at the tea bag all day and finally decided to collage with it. This collage was inspired by how my friend Sarah (@sarahwor1d ) creates. Her collages are compact and she uses choice phrases which I always find intriguing. I love the way she works.
I think the collage is called “Are Not Flowers The Stars?” because of the little tag on the tea bag and I used dried flowers of all sorts I had been saving for almost a year. I included some hair of my passed dog and bows as well to really capture the softness of how serendipitous acts make me feel. I was trying to find a launching point image for the collage and as I was browsing my normal collage books an old clipping fell out…..the shadow picture I ended up using in the collage. It all fell into place so magically….