Hi! My name is Emily, though usually I feel most “me” in my artist persona “parallelstateofgrace”.
I am a creative who is currently focused on film photography and collage work. Film first found me in 2019 after a short lived Tinder date serendipitously gifted me an old camera of his, now my Nikon FM, which is still my SLR camera of choice. That camera has been symbolic and revolutionary for my growth as an artist and being.
Aside from photography, I have been creating art in many different mediums throughout my life. I have never considered myself a “photographer” and only recently have been experimenting with “artist”.
I am a being who does not burden herself with strictly “correct” grammar. I prefer to express myself in a style of writing that is true to the way I speak. To me, any piece of writing I create is just a burst of consciousness that was sent to me at that given time…..I don’t like to assign it as anything more than that {specifically at its time of creation}. As you browse, you will notice that I am a big fan of ellipses that extend past their customary level of accepted length :).
Currently I am deep in self portrait work, which has been consistently feeding my soul throughout 2023. I have been shooting majority black and white film and at the moment am biased to my medium format camera, the Yashica C. All of the photo work you see here is hand developed and scanned by me. As of October 2023, I have been experimenting with printing my work in the darkroom and my goal is to eventually sell prints in person and online.
I feel I am using this site somewhat unconventionally: treating it as a portfolio with small pieces of writing attached, as well as an eventual blog about myself, my various forms of work, and how everything came to be. I plan to continually update this site with new work, but also to add new tidbits to previous works (keeping it true to current self). At the moment it showcases a mixed bag of work, some that has been perceived by eyes on social media and some that hasn’t. This is a space for me to share parts of myself that I haven’t had a chance to share in the depth that they require. Hope you find something that speaks to you…..
Thank you for joining me <3